How To Combat Bullying In 3 Stages

Bullying can cause both physical and mental harm in children, with potentially long-lasting consequences.

Taekwondo is one of the best ways to teach children how to better respond to bullying. Our martial arts programs help children develop both mentally and physically so they can combat and defend themselves in confrontational situations. 

Here at Team Carlo, we teach our students how to combat bullying in a three stage process:


1. Using a confident voice

Our students practice using their voice in a strong and assured way so that they can develop the confidence needed to stand up for themselves in challenging situations. In a safe and encouraging environment where they are taught how to master their taekwondo techniques, students can greatly build upon and improve their self-esteem. 

2. Asking the question, “Is my body safe?” 

When feeling threatened or intimidated, young children can have trouble deciding if it is the right time to use their fists, words, or another self-defense tactic. 

Learning to ask themselves, “Is my body safe?” can be a useful tool to decipher which skills to use if they find themselves in a confrontation, physical or otherwise. If they aren’t being held, they can have higher chances of escape. However, if someone is holding onto them, that is an indicator that their body isn’t safe. Their physical mastery of taekwondo and improved self-control can help them assess what the right move is. 

3. Finding a person who is trusted

Most of the time the person a young student trusts is going to be a teacher or a parent. Going to a trusted adult who can help is one way to combat bullying. Other times, preventing bullying can be more passive. The student will learn to spend time in safe spaces with high visibility, where they are surrounded by friends or near a yard duty teacher.

The best defense is not to be pulled into a dangerous situation in the first place. However, if our students ever find themselves in a confrontation, we want them to have the confidence to stand up for themselves and use their voice, their physical skills, and also know how to find a person they can put their trust in.

Connect with Team Carlo

Our professional taekwondo instructors at Team Carlo can help provide your children with a safe environment to combat bullying by boosting their physical skills and self-confidence. Connect with us via email at or call us on 1800 832 622 today!