Kids Fitness Classes in Melbourne

At Team Carlo all of our classes are conducted by professionally qualified, quality fitness coaches.
All of our team hold current First Aid and Working with Children credentials.

Kids Fitness Classes with Team Carlo

Looking for kids fitness classes in Melbourne? Team Carlo facilitate kids fitness classes for children aged 8yrs+ to support a healthy lifestyle through this critical growth period.

Children can train with their parents in our Family Fit classes which provides an opportunity for parents to connect and role model positive health and fitness to their children.

Our fully qualified fitness coaches facilitate taekwondo-inspired body weight fitness classes in a fun and engaging environment.

We promote body positive concepts and messaging, encouraging our students to tune into the strength and power of their bodies rather than how they look. We support them to feel comfortable in their own skin and value their body.

Fitness classes compliment taekwondo training, providing a great addition to their weekly training schedule.


30-45 minutes




8 year olds +


kids fit. family fit. athlete fit.







30-45 minutes


8 year olds +

kids fit. family fit. athlete fit.

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We boast an industry-leading instructor student ratio in all our kids programs, ensuring your child achieves the best possible results through individualised attention.
Our team of fully qualified instructors is made up of community-driven leaders with all levels of taekwondo experience.
Weekly themes relating to holistic healthy living, support our students make good decisions about their health and well-being.
Our age-based programs offer a pathway for students to grow and develop, learning vital life skills that lay a strong foundation for their future.